My Satiric Opinion On Indian Education System

There is an huge debate on the System of education in India. But none of them caters to actual problem. They totally declares it useless and most them stating this our too product of this system itself. They shamelessly neglects the fact that the sole purpose of education is to replace their empty minds with the open one. And if they are arguing no matter in favor or against, it means that education has successfully succeeded in its objective. 

So is there is no problem? 

No there is. We are confused in our definition. Still now we are unable to figure out that education is not training. Education and training are too separate word and not related with each as much as they are glorified. Even an lion can be trained to sit on chair and an monkey can be trained to ride, But it is impossible to educate them. You can't give them a power to logically criticize , analyze things. There are more and more education institute in every street of locality manufacturing graduate illiterates in bulk. These degree holder are nothing but just defected product with no skill and technical knowledge. These training programs are indulge in educating masses instead of training them. 

There is one more problem associated with education that our teachers, society and even college admissions values memory power over intelligence. Our examination were designed in a way to check-out how much student has progressed in the fellow year but our teachers want appreciate the  language other than the S/he dictated in his/her classes and rest other's wants the grades. 

My Suggestion 

Defending education system doesn't ignore the room for modification. In my opinion students should be granted more liberty in selection of subjects instead of grouping them and ask them to choose groups, similarly as we before do in our DTH subscriptions. Formal common education should be legalized till high school and afterwards specialized training programs of respected professions they want to pursue. For example a software developer might not need that much knowledge of chemistry s/he has to swallowed, A student interested in medicine might not need that much knowledge of physics. Calculus might be useless for an accountant. Most important is that artist shouldn't be forced to study engineering. Thus, the courses shall be arranged with respect to the occupation but instead occupation are arranged in respect of groups. Other than this there should be more and more training institute in every city which grant training in grey collar with placement at almost no cost to masses. 


The conclusion we may draw out that definitely there are room for modification in system but most important implementation should be discussed much. Instead of scaling memory power of student and criticizing his/her poor performance in academics we should focused more on his/her ability. The diversification of student on the bases of grades is something inhuman. 
