How to transfer money from your mind to your Bank account

Be a prostitute to transfer money from your mind to your bank account. Being a prostitute doesn't literal but to try everything you can think off to make. Be shameless, be outspoken for anything to everything and this is how you figure out. There is nothing like 'perfectionism' exist not even for professional. It is that they do multiple things consistently and one day all of sudden one thing works out miraculously excellently, also which eventually uplift all the the other things they have done. Thus, being a prostitute is a solution to be rich.  

Hit & try again & again until you hit. People who have achieved great were the one who collected their all failure one more time. They have nothing great in them. They aren't super intelligent, neither super strong and neither possess something more than you. The only difference in between you and them is that they are prostitute. They don't fuck around single thing and cry out for pain for rest of there life. Instead they bear all the pain and use it a protein for themselves. They outgrows to their human potential not suddenly but consistently. 

From the struggles of Dhirubhai Ambani to Ritesh Agarwal, everyone has fucked multiple things before what they are doing now. They used their experiences to transfer money from their mind to their bank account.  You will failed hundred of times, again & again, continuously. There will nothing like up & down. There only will be down & down and you have to figure out how to reverse. Imagine yourself falling down in an aero-plane but you're on steering. So, eventually you'll will do whatever you can. You will be a prostitute to save yourself. 

Money in your mind is your fixed asset. No matter how much you hold but you need to liquidate it before to dispose. Unfortunately, it is hard, very hard to do so. You need to cry in between multiple times but have to carry up yourself after you done. There is nothing wrong in crying, actually it helps. You should try it often, Experience. But, what if there is no money in your mind? 

Money is a complex theory, also eliminated from your school syllabus. Most of the well educated are miserable in money. You need to earn money in your mind from those who are excellent in it, But they're too absorbed. However, fortunately enclosed their knowledge in books, seminars, events, interviews, podcasts, and anything in which they're questioned. You only need to have learning attitude and exploitation of your resources to maximize your knowledge. 

In conclusion, We can state that to transfer money from your mind to your bank account absorb knowledge and execute like a prostitute. 
